across the street

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кто знает аглийский? help!!! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Camilla *[активный]
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Ответ от Tanya Pankratova[новичек]
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Ответ от Вера Юдина[гуру]
Mr. Sellyer's bookshop is across the street .IN FRONT house. It is situated .IN..a tall modern building and it is quite famous. It is always full ..OF.people.I often go ..-there to look ..THROUGH .new books. He has a lot ..OF.different books ..ON.his shelves. When I go to his shop I usually stay there .FOR..a few hours.And .ON..that day while I was looking ...THROUGH ..the books, I was watching Mr. Sellyer's at work. I shall describe some OF..his methods A lady came .INTO..the shop and asked .FOR..a book.Mr. Sellyer showed "Golden Dreams" .TO..her and said, "The readers are fond ..OF.this book." Another lady entered .-.the shop. She was Mr. Sellyer also gave her "Golden Dreams". "It's a beautiful book," he said, "..ABOUT. love, very simple but sad. My wife cried all the time reading it." "Have you any good reading ..FOR.vacation time?" asked the next customer. Mr. Sellyer recommended "Golden Dreams" once again."The most humorous book .OF..the season," he said. "My wife laughed every minute reading it. It's her favourite book now. It was 4 o'clock, time to go ..-home. But when I was leaving ..-the shop I asked Mr. Sellyer, "Do you like the book ."Golden Dreams".?." - "I have no time to read each book." -"What .ABOUT..your wife?" - "I'm not married," said Mr. Sellyer smiling.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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