bones glad we have an understanding

Bones glad we have an understanding текст

Автор Виктор Мирошкин задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Перевод. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от YOU RE IN RUINS.[активный]
Put on your coat and hat. The street is cold, strong wind blows. You see people on the corner? He is looking at us. Today at lunch comes Helen. - I have not seen it long ago. It has changed a lot? - Not really. When the teacher explains the new rule, he usually writes on the blackboard examples. Did you hear anything? - I listen closely, but not what I hear. You read this book. father? -from cover to cover. A good book, I'm going to read it again. Who just left the room? - I do not know, I did not notice. On the way to work, I usually greet the children who go to school. I think you need to drink coffee before you leave. Evening a cold. Have you seen Mary today? - No, she is sick. She has been ill for ten days. What are you going to do after school? - I want to go to the movies. - Do not leave without me, wait. while I'll call you. - Good. You went to the movies this week? None. I am very Zaneta recently. - You should see a new film he'll surely. like. You often go to teatr7 - Yes, quite often, and go today. We have not seen it long ago, Nelly said that he had changed much. I am very glad that you came. You always bring good news. Segotdnya we play tennis., Nikki and myself. they already left? No, they uezhayut three hours by train. Do you have any questions? You all understand what I have to explain? - Thank you, everything all is clear. Воть!

Ответ от Bubble GUM_][новичек]
бля, а в переводчике нельзя перевести?!

Ответ от ЀЫЖИК[гуру]
засунь в онлайн переводчик и откорректируй.. если сумеешь)))

Ответ от Вася Печкин[новичек]
Nadeni coat and hat. On street coldly, blows the strong wind. See the person at the corner? He on us look. Today on dinner will come Elena. - I her(its) long ago did not see. She much changed? - Not much. When teacher обьясняет the new rule, he usually wr

Ответ от Ўля Круглякова[новичек]
Put on your coat and hat. The street is cold, strong wind blows. You see people on the corner? He is looking at us. Today at lunch comes Helena. - I have not seen it long ago. It has changed a lot? - Not really. When the teacher explains the new rule, he

Ответ от Ђретяк Александр[гуру]
Put on a coat and a cap. In the street it is cold, the strong wind blows. You see the person at the corner? He looks at us. Today for a dinner Elena will come. - I it did not see for a long time. It has very much changed? - Not so. When the teacher обьясн

Ответ от Basta .[активный]
Рыжик +1 в топку Васю Печкина, уже неправильно X_x

Ответ от Михаил Епифанов[мастер]
Put on your coat and hat. The street is cold, strong wind blows. You see people on the corner? He is looking at us. Today at lunch comes Helena. - I have not seen it long ago. It has changed a lot? - Not really. When the teacher explains the new rule, he

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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