i would like to visit

Country you would like to visit

Автор эльмира задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Помогите, пожалуйста, написать небольшой топик по английскому (предложений 7)... и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Moskva[гуру]
I would like to visit United States of America. They say this country is interesting because of its history and people. I know that many Russians live and work there and I will have an opportunity to communicate with them.
I would like to visit such cities as Chicago, Los Angeles and New York because there are a lot of attractive sightseeings there/ For example, in New York I can visit Central Park that covers a huge territory.
I think that this country worth visiting because Americans are open-hearted and communicative people. It would be cool to visit Hollywood also, because all great Americal blockbasters and trillers are shooted there.

Ответ от Е К[гуру]
легко!!!! 50 рублей и топик готов! Идет?

Ответ от Koksharova Larisa[гуру]
If I had an opportunity to visit a foreign country to my liking, I would have chosen France. France is one of the most popular European countries as for the tourists. As for me - I would like to visit Paris and to see its well-known Eifel Tower.France is famous for its unique sculpture and architecture, numerous museums and art galleries, restaurants and boutiques.Moreover, France is a motherland of fashion, perfume and wines.All in all, France is a perfect symbol of luxury, beauty and romanticism. That's why I wish to go to France most of all!

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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Срочно нужен перевод! Помогите!
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Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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