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Автор Space_Monkey задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Кто хорошо знает английский,помогите! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ёергей Сизов[активный]
1. My best friend lives far away from me, so we don't see each other often, but we talk by phone every day.
2. I have many friends and we help each other in difficult situations.
3. Your friend doesn't speak Russian and you don't speak French. Then how do you communicate?
4. I can talk on any topic with my mother. We understand each other pretty well.
5. All my uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers and sisters will come to my birthday at Sunday. I have a big family and we are always glad to see each other.

Ответ от __L__[активный]
1. My best friend lives far from me, therefore we seldom see each other, but we call each other каждыу day. 2. At me it is a lot of friends, and we help the friend to the friend with difficult situations. 3. Your friend does not speak Russian, and you do not know French. How you communicate with each other? 4. I can speak with my mum about all. We very well understand each other. 5. All mine of the uncle, aunts cousins and sisters will come on my birthday on Sunday. At me greater family, and we are always glad to see each other

Ответ от Koraelstraz[новичек]

Ответ от Tanya RW[гуру]
1)My best friend lives far from me, therefore we see each other rarely, but we ring each other kazhdyu day.2)I have many friends, and we help a friend to the friend in difficult situations.3)Your friend does not speak Russian, and you do not know French.How do you communicate with each other?4)I can talk with my mother about everything.We understand each other very well.5)All my uncles, aunts cousins and sisters will come on my birthday on Sunday.I have a quiverful, and we are always glad to see each other

Ответ от Виталий Долгов[гуру]
Позаимствую вариант Сергея Сизова, исправив кое-что1. My best friend lives far from me, so we see each other seldom, but we talk OVER the phone every day.2. I have many friends and we help each other in difficult situations.3. Your friend doesn't speak Russian and you don't speak French. Then how do you communicate with each other?4. I can talk with my mom about anything . We understand each other very well.5. All my uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers and sisters ARE GOING TO come to my birthday ON Sunday. I have a big family and we are always glad to see each other.

Ответ от Simas Pocius[гуру]
1. My best friend lives far away from me, so we rarely see each other, but we talk on the phone every single day.2. I have many friends and we help each other out with our troubles.3. Your friend doesn't speak Russian and you don't speak French. Then how do you communicate with each other?4. I can talk to my mom about everything . We understand each other very well.5. All my uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers and sisters are comming to my birthday on Sunday. I have a big family and we are always glad to see each other.to talk to - говорить, беседовать обо всемto talk with - иметь серьезный разговор (например, когда учительница говорит: " Иванов, останься после урока, мне надо с тобой поговорить! "

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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