над пропастью во ржи на английском

Автор Наталья Даценко задал вопрос в разделе Литература

Помогите пожалуйста найти "Над пропастью во ржи" краткое содержание на английском. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Пластелин Конец[гуру]
Seventeen year old Holden Caulfield, who is in a sanatorium, remembers "that crazy story that happened last Christmas," after which he "almost gave the ends", long sick, and now he is undergoing treatment and hopes to return home soon.
His memories start to the day, when he retired from Pansy, a closed school in Egerstaune, Pennsylvania. Actually he went against his will - he was expelled for academic failure - of the nine subjects in that quarter, he flunked five. The situation is complicated by the fact that Pansy - not the first school that leaves the young hero. He had already thrown Elkton Hill, because, in his opinion, "there was one big fake." However, the feeling of being around him, "lime" - hypocrisy, pretense and showing off - do not let Caulfield throughout the novel. Both adults and peers, with whom he found to cause irritation in him, but only he remains unbearable.
The last day of school is full conflict. He returns to Pansy from New York, where he went as captain of the fencing team for the match, which was held not his fault - he forgot the subway sports equipment. Roommate Stradlater asks him to write an essay for him - to describe the house or room, but Caulfield, who loves to do things his own way, tells the story of a baseball glove his dead brother Allie, who scribbled her poems and read them during matches. Stradlater, read the text, take offense to digress website, saying that he placed a pig, and Caulfield, sorry that Stradlater went on a date with a girl who liked her and himself, does not remain in debt. The case ends with a fight and a broken nose Caulfield.
Once in New York, he realizes that he can not come home and tell his parents that he was expelled. He gets into a cab and went to the hotel. Along the way he asks his favorite question, which does not give him no rest, "Where do ducks in Central Park, when the pond freezes over?" Taxi Driver, of course, surprised by the question and wondered if not laughing at him by the passenger. But he does not think to mock, however, the question about the ducks, rather, a manifestation of a loss to Holden Caulfield complexity of the world, rather than an interest in zoology.
This world and oppresses him, and pulls. With people it would be hard without them - is intolerable. He is trying to have fun in a night club at the hotel, but nothing good comes out of it, and the waiter refused to give him the alcohol as a minor. He goes to the night club in Greenwich Village, where he loved to visit his older brother DB, a talented writer, the lure of a big fee screenwriter in Hollywood. On the way, he asks about the ducks next to the taxi driver again without getting a clear answer. At the bar, he meets a familiar DB with some sailor. Maid makes him such hostility that he quickly leaves the bar and goes on foot to the hotel.
Hotel attendant asked if he would like a girl - five dollars at the time, fifteen at night. Holden agrees "on time", but when a girl appears in his room, finds the strength to give up their innocence. He wants to talk to her, but she came to work, and as long as the client is not ready to meet the demands from him ten dollars. He recalled that the treaty was about five. She removed and soon returned with a lifter. Another skirmish ends with another defeat of the hero.
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Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: Помогите пожалуйста найти "Над пропастью во ржи" краткое содержание на английском.

Объясните смысл названия "Над пропастью во ржи" Селинджера
The Catcher in the Rye

Русское название связано с невозможностью переводчика подобрать

Над пропастью во ржи, читали Моя любимая книга!
Холден Колфилд удивительный образ, притягательный! Дж. Д. Селинджер сотворил уникальный шедевр. Эта
спросили в Юмор
заяц над бездной - это не о том же месте, где над пропастью во ржи..? откуда заяц в высокогорье..?))
Добавлю, что сам Брежнев якобы женился на английской королеве, которую для него украли цыгане..

Самые лучшие книги на английском языке. Посоветуйте, что почитать...
Если читать только начинаете, то сначала - несложная классика конца 19в или первой половины 20в.
спросили в Список
подскажите пожалуйста общий список классической английской и американской литературы
Ну, Вы сами сказали: "Список".
"Гамлет", "Двенадцатая ночь", "Ромео и Джульетта","Укрощение
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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Читать или нет??Дж.Д. Сэлинджер "Над пропастью во ржи".Кто-нить читал? Понравилось?
читал два раза!! ! моя самая любимая книга!!!! это общепризнанная классика!!! любимая потому что
спросили в Смысл
Каков смысл названия "The Catcher in the Rye"? Какое психологическое состояние или синдром передаётся этими словами?
если вы читали книгу, то должны наверняка помнить, что Холден Колфилд мечтал о следующего рода
спросили в Другое
Вопрос по книге
«Над пропастью во ржи» (англ. «The Catcher in the Rye» — «Ловец во ржи» , 1951) — роман

Какую книгу посоветуете прочитать?
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Маргарет Манерлин Митчелл Унесенные ветромподробнее...
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традиция с елочкой наверно... или традиция похождения деда с бородой одетого в красный кастюм по

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