Автор Caxap задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
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Ответ от XIII[гуру]
The Internet is very popular. Many people use it. It is difficult to imagine our lives without the Internet nowadays. But what pluses and minuses DOES IT HAVE?On the one hand the Internet has many positive aspects. For example: it gives instant access to THE information; ALLOWS TO communicate with people on the other site of the world; people can download music, movies and many other things FROM the Internet. Also the Internet helps to study and TO do shopping. However, the Internet has negative aspects. For instance: CASES OF addiction (Ведь не все страдают интернет-зависимостью.. .) , waste of time, money AND health. But first of all is viruses on sites, therefore ONE NEEDS to use a reliable antivirus software. Other minus INCLUDES the violent content - the Internet has a lot OF cruelty and violence. In conclusion, our life without the Internet would be scanty.
The Internet is very popular. Many people use it. It is difficult to
imagine our lives without the Internet nowadays. But what pluses and
minuses НAS IT?On the one hand the Internet has many positive
aspects. For example: it gives instant access to THE information; ALLOWS
TO communicate with people on the other site of the world; people can
download music, movies and many other things FROM the Internet. Also the
Internet helps to study and TO do shopping. However, the Internet has
negative aspects. For instance: CASES OF addiction, waste of TIME, money AND health. But
first of all is viruses on sites, therefore ONE NEEDS to use a reliable
antivirus software. Other minus INCLUDES the violent content - the
Internet has a lot OF cruelty and violence. In conclusion, our life
without the Internet would be scanty.
But first of all is viruses on sites - But first of all, there are viruses on websites //
on the other site of the world - on the other SIDE of the world //
our life without the Internet would be scanty - our life would be scanty without the Internet
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ребят найдите кто нить или составьте текст про интернет на английском срочно надо .НЕ КИДАЙТЕ МЕНЯ. НЕ КИДАЙТЕ МЕНЯ
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помоги написать сочинение по английскому( плюсы и минусы компьютера) очень срочно
Плюсы компьютера:
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