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Автор LightLiZZi *** задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Ѐита[гуру]
Chefs Cook - a person who is engaged in food preparation in catering establishments. This profession is very creative and extraordinary. Cooks sometimes even called a true magician, who could the most common foods to cook a dish that is a masterpiece of taste. Of course, cook something edible, such as eggs, can be practically anyone. But the chef of the same foods will cook the egg souffle gentlest. Cook not only prepare the dish right technology and in strict accordance with the recipe. He loves his work, receives from her pure joy. Cook is always trying to be admired dishes. Chefs - is the oldest profession. As soon as the cavemen tamed fire and began to cook meat on a fire, they quickly found someone from fellow mammoths get tastier and juicier, and began to trust this important mission only to him. Thus was born the first boss - a cook. Job cook in their own way, unique. Although some people do not take it so, considering that in the chef\'s art is no big deal: you simply connect the ingredients. However, it is not. In this case, the main thing - the talent, sense of taste, imagination.

Ответ от Александр Зуб[активный]
Chefs Cook - a person who is engaged in food preparation in catering establishments. This profession is very creative and extraordinary. Cooks sometimes even called a true magician, who could the most common foods to cook a dish that is a mas

Ответ от Анастасия Lady[гуру]
А cook - is a person who cooks food in catering establishments. That profession is very creative and unusual. Cook is sometimes called as a real magician, who can cook a masterpiece of a taste course from a very usual products. Of course almost ev

Ответ от Алина лапочка[новичек]
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Ответ от Оксана минкина[новичек]
А cook - is a person who cooks food in catering establishments. That profession is very creative and unusual. Cook is sometimes called as a real magician, who can cook a masterpiece of a taste course from a very usual products. Of course almost ev

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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