such a bad weather

Автор Дарья задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Пчёлка[гуру]
1.За машиной пошлют как только все вещи будут упакованы.
The van will be sent for as soon as all the stuff is packed.
2. Она отложила письмо, которое писала и выглянула в окно.
She put aside the letter that she had written and look out of the window.
3. Лектора слушали так внимательно, что никто не заметил как я зашла.
The lecturer was being listened to so attentively, that nobody noticed me enter.
4. Ты пропустишь поезд, если не возьмешь такси.
You’ll miss the train until you take a taxi.
5. Я хотела бы знать точный день, когда приезжает ваша сестра.
I’d like to know the day when your sister arrives.
6. -Что происходит на собрании? - Как раз обсуждают этот вопрос.
What’s happening at the meeting? This question is just being discussed.
7. Сью рисовала час, когда раздался стук в дверь.
Sue has been painting (srawing0 for an hour when the knock at the door was heard (somebody knocked at the door).
8. Кевин бросил курить 2 года назад. Он курил 20 лет!
Kevin stopped smoking two years ago. He had been smoking for twenty years.
9. Когда он пришел домой, его дочь играла на пианино, она училась несколько лет и играла хорошо. When he came home his daughter was playing the piano, she had been learning for some years and played well.
10. Я слышал, в городе строят новый театр.
I heard the new theatre was being built in our town (city).
11. Я скажу ему об этом как только увижу его, но я не знаю когда его увижу.
I’ll tell him of it as soon as I see him, but I don’t know when I’ll see him.
12. Я никогда не слышал чтоб он хвалился.
I have never heard him boasting.
13. Что заставляет тебя думать, что он неправ?
What makes you think that he is wrong?
14. Мальчик увидел как мать положила в суп сахар вместо соли.
Teh boy saw his mother put the sugar instead of salt into the soup.
15. Мистер Браун заметил как какая-то машина остановилась перед домом.
Mr Brown noticed some woman stop in front of the house.
16. Я слышал в ваш город приехала известная артистка.
I heard the famous actress arrive in your city.
17. Я не хочу чтоб ты ездила в деревню в такую плохую погоду.
I don’t want you to go to the country in such bad weather.
18. Мы почувствовали, что становится холодно, пора было идти домой.
We felt it was getting cold and it was high time to go home.
19. Я увидел как все посмотрели наверх и почувствовал что что-то случилось.
I could see everybody look up and felt something was wrong.
20. Я не могу заставить его бросить курить.
I can’t make him give up smoking.
21. Я считаю его опытным врачом.
I consider him to be an experienced doctor.
22. Что бы ты сделал, если б выиграл 1000000 фунтов?
What would you do if you won ₤10000000?
23. Спасибо тебе большое, я бы и забыла о дне рождения Энн, если б ты мне ни напомнил. Thank you very much, I would have forgotten about Ann’s birthday unless you had reminded me.
24. Как жаль, что сегодня такая плохая погода, если б дождь перестал мы бы могли
поехать в деревню. I wish it weren’t such bad weather today, if it stopped raining we could go to the country.
25. Если б ты ни ел так много на обед, ты бы чувствовал сейчас себя лучше.
If you hadn’t eaten so much at the dinner, you would feel bettre.
26. Прости, что не поздоровался с тобой, если б я видел тебя, я бы обязательно сказал привет. Excuse me for not greeting you, if I had seen you, i would have said Hi.
27. Меня тошнит, зачем я ел так много торта!
I feel sick. (Why have I eaten so much cake?) I wish I hadn’t eaten so much cake!!!
28. Джулия будет менять свой номер телефона. Julia’s going to change her phone number.
29.У вас когда-нибудь воровали паспорт? Have you ever had your passport stolen?
30. Нам только что построили новый бассейн. We have just had the new swimming pool built.

Ответ от Simbor[гуру]
1. Behind machine will send as soon as all things will be packed.
2. It has postponed the letter which wrote and выгляула to a window.
3. To the lecturer listened so closely, that nobody has noticed as I has come.
4. You will pass a train if you will not take a taxi.
5. I would like to know exact day when there comes your sister.
6. What occurs at assembly?
-as time discuss this question.
7. Сью drew hour when knock at a door was distributed.
8. Кевин has stopped to smoke 2 years ago. It smoked 20 years!
9. When it has come home, its daughter played on the piano, it studied some years and played well.
10. I heard, in city build new theatre.
11. I shall tell to it about it as soon as I shall see it, but I do not know when it I shall see.
12. I never heard that it was praised.
13. What forces you to think, what it is wrong?
14. The boy has seen as mother has put in soup sugar instead of salt.
15. Mr. Brown has noticed as any machine has stopped before the house.
16. I heard in your city there has arrived the known actress.
17. I do not want that you went in village in such bad weather.
18. We have felt, that becomes cold, it was time to go home.
19. I have seen as all have looked upward and have felt that something happens.
20. I cannot force to stop to smoke it.
21. I consider as its skilled doctor.
22. What would you make, if would win 1000000 pounds?
23. Thanks you big, I also have forgotten about Ann's birthday if you have reminded me.
24. As it is a pity, that today such bad weather if the rain would cease we could go to village.
25. If you ate so much for a dinner, you would feel now yourself better.
26. Forgive, that has not greeted you if I would see you, I necessarily would tell greetings.
27. Me тошнит, what for I ate so a lot of pie!
28. Джулия will change the phone number.
29. From you sometime stole the passport?
30. To us just constructed new pool.

Ответ от Paradise[гуру]
и, правда, легко. только много

Ответ от Sult@n[новичек]
1. For the machine will send as soon as all things will be packed.
2. It deferred a letter which he wrote and vyglyaula the window.
3. Lecturer listened so carefully that no one noticed as I went.
4. Did you miss the train if you do not take taxis.
5. I would like to know the exact day that comes your sister.
6. -What happens at the meeting?
How time discussing this issue.
7. Sue drew hour, where was a knocking at the door.
8. Kevin gave up smoking 2 years nazad.On smoked 20 years!
9. When he came home, his daughter played the piano, she studied for several years and played well.
10. I've heard in the city built a new theater.
11. I tell him about it as soon as I see it, but I do not know when I see it.
12. I never heard that he may boast.
13. What makes you think he is wrong?
14. He saw how his mother put sugar in the soup instead of salt.
15. Mr Brown noticed that some car stopped in front of the house.
16. I have heard in your city came a well-known actress.
17. I do not wish that you went to the village in such bad weather.
18. We felt that it is cold, it was time to go home.
19. I saw all looked up and felt that something had happened.
20. I can not force him to quit.
21. I believe his experienced physician.
22. What would you do if it won 1000000 pounds?
23. Thank you much, I would have forgotten about the birthday Ann, if you are not reminded me.
24. How sad that today it is bad weather, if the rain stopped, we could go to the village.
25. If you have not eaten much for dinner, would you feel better now.
26. Sorry, that does not greet you, if I saw you, I would always say hello.
27. I feel sick, why I ate so much cake!
28. Julie will change your phone number.
29.U you ever steal a passport?
30. We just a new billet pool.

Ответ от Влад[новичек]
а что за это будет 😉

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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