there is a picture on the wall

Автор Алёна Журавлёва задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

Кто знает английский? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Mashanya[гуру]
Корректируем предыдущих ораторов: -)
1. There is a picture ON the wall. 2. What street do you live IN?3. ON Sunday we often swim IN the river. 4. Last week he went TO Moscow. 5. They will go TO the college tomorrow. 6. She goes TO work BY bus. 7. My brother stayed AT home IN the evening. 8. Many people travel BY train. 9. I see many books ON the table and IN the bookcase. 10. I was born ON the first OF October. 11. Our lessons begin AT nine o'clock IN the morning. 12. He took some books FROM !!!the table and put them INTO !!!his bag. 13. We went _ home ON !!!foot. 14. They often go FOR a walk TOIN the park. 15. My father works AT the plant. 16. 1 don't like to sit ATNEAR the window. 17. She stood UP and went TO the room. 18. Usually I get UP AT 7 o'clock, put ON my dress and go TO the kitchen. 19. My friend goes (IN FOR !!!) sports and I am fond OF music. 15. IN summer we spend much time IN the open.

Ответ от Lunelia[гуру]
1. on
2. in
3. in
4. to
5. to
6. to ...on
7. at ...on
8. on
9. on
10. on ...of
11. at
12. on
13. ..on (перед home ничего!! )
15. on
16. under
18. at ...up
15. at

Ответ от Caид Нургали[гуру]
1. There is a picture on the wall. 2. What street do you live in?3.On Sunday we often swim in the river. 4.Last week he Moscow. 5.They will go to the college tomorrow. 6. She goes to work by bus. 7. My brother stayed at home in the evening. 8. Many people travel, by train. 9.1 see many books on the table and in the bookcase. 10.1 was born on the first of October. 11. Our lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. 12. He took some books on the table and put them in his bag. 13.We went home by foot. 14. They often go for a walk, и the park. 15. My father works. at the plant. 16.1 don't like to sit near the window. 17. She stood up and went out the room. 18. Usually I get ap at 7 o'clock, put on my dress and go to the kitchen. 19. My friend goes sports and I am fond of music. 15On.summer we spend much time in the open.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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ин яз помогите
Заполните пропуски предлогами in, at, on, to, into, under, near.
1. We live in..Moscow. 2.1

А какая разница в переводе на английский предложения: "на стене картина" и "картина на стене"?
Разница в артиклях. В первом случае мы говорим, что "на стене картина" There is a picture on the
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Помогите, пожалуйста = ( Заранее благодарна.
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Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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4 типа вопросов - это
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