Автор Наташа Перевозникова задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания
Переведите на английский язык. Пожалуйста!!! и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Ксения К[эксперт]
Такой объем только на платной основе;))
Ответ от Jally Jam[активный]
Family Ryan, after a long and difficult year, I decided to go on vacation.They chose a place for long stay. My parents wanted to go to the mountains, and the childrenthe sea. Father suddenly remembered his distant cousin who livesin the city near the sea and the mountains. With the holiday destination was decided . parents boughtboat tickets . Three days later, they got together and went to the port . daywas sunny and clear. Nothing boded trouble . After sailing all went to their cabins to stay and relax. Rayany spread their stuff, but the cabin was very hot and they reschili get some fresh sea air. On the deck of a small cafe, where they sat down to rest .Some time later, the wind picked up . They do not pay attention to itremained on deck. Wind becoming stronger and stronger . the seastorm began . He was so strong that the ship became unmanageable.It was tossed from side to side until it struck the rock. Inthe ship's hull is a crack and it began to sink. when the familythrown into the sea, it was found that they could grab a table top andthereby saved. Soon the storm subsided and Rayany swam to shore. aftera short rest, they felt hungry. On the shore grew moretrees with fruits. Family a little snack and went to explore the island.Studies have not produced the results : on the island was not a single livingsoul. It reminded them life vseobscheizvestnogo Robinson Crusoe and theybegan to live by his example. A few weeks later on the horizonship appeared . He swam too far from shore, so Rayanydecided that the people on the ship they see the smoke from their fire risinghigh in the sky . And so it happened . The ship headed for shore. asvessel could be stuck on the rocks, they let down the boat and they sailed toship. Two days later Rayany successfully got home. For them it wasmemorable holiday.
Family Ryan, after a long and difficult year, I decided to go on vacation.They chose a place for long stay. My parents wanted to go to the mountains, and the childrenthe sea. Father suddenly remembered his distant cousin who livesin the city near the sea and the mountains. With the holiday destination was decided . parents boughtboat tickets . Three days later, they got together and went to the port . daywas sunny and clear. Nothing boded trouble . After sailing all went to their cabins to stay and relax. Rayany spread their stuff, but the cabin was very hot and they reschili get some fresh sea air. On the deck of a small cafe, where they sat down to rest .Some time later, the wind picked up . They do not pay attention to itremained on deck. Wind becoming stronger and stronger . the seastorm began . He was so strong that the ship became unmanageable.It was tossed from side to side until it struck the rock. Inthe ship's hull is a crack and it began to sink. when the familythrown into the sea, it was found that they could grab a table top andthereby saved. Soon the storm subsided and Rayany swam to shore. aftera short rest, they felt hungry. On the shore grew moretrees with fruits. Family a little snack and went to explore the island.Studies have not produced the results : on the island was not a single livingsoul. It reminded them life vseobscheizvestnogo Robinson Crusoe and theybegan to live by his example. A few weeks later on the horizonship appeared . He swam too far from shore, so Rayanydecided that the people on the ship they see the smoke from their fire risinghigh in the sky . And so it happened . The ship headed for shore. asvessel could be stuck on the rocks, they let down the boat and they sailed toship. Two days later Rayany successfully got home. For them it wasmemorable holiday.
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: Переведите на английский язык. Пожалуйста!!!
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