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It is known that the Black Country behave beside their dead relatives: they gather around them and squawk. From time to time it has been suggested that the so-raven looks at a funeral ritual. However, the true reason for their behavior remained a mystery: scientists based their conclusions exclusively on individual cases from practice.And now researchers have finally decided to find out exactly why the crows so anxiously behave when their deceased brethren.They know what death is, and they know that it is necessary to be afraid ofTo do this, they organized the original experiment, based on data obtained earlier that crows do not forget the human face, show them dangerous.A series of studies led by John Marzlaffa the University of Washington in Seattle (USA) showed that ravens memorize suspicious, they think of people.Then they teach others to crow loudly "to swear" to these questionable individuals, resulting in a few years later is another flock of crows still cawing their displeasure address.To prevent possible further inconvenience to the participants in the experiment, they were asked to put on quite a lifelike latex mask covering his face.Using the same disguise, researchers sent a man in a mask where the crows come to expect from the author treats the experiment Kelly Swift - also from the University of Washington.In his hand was a dead crow - outstretched hands as if it were a dish of snacksBringing with them food, she played the role of "good cop" and "bad cop" was the masked man.This sinister character came from a dead crow in the hands and stood there for half an hour."I have always acted kindly and fed the crows, and they are nice to me - enemies among crows I had - said Swift. - I took out the food, and then there is this other person.""He was holding a dead crow - not held her, showing the killing of the birds, and just kept on his outstretched palms as a dish of snacks, so keep the litter when going to throw it out," - she adds.On the first day, when a man in a mask, crows, in principle, refused food offered Kelly Swift.Instead, they began to scream and surrounded the place of the experiment. Crows gather in large flocks to scare potential predators.In this case, according to the authors, from the schooling behavior of crows could be other reasons. Among them - "condemnation of the predator, a demonstration of dominance or social learning a dangerous person or place."If you put some crow hawk, the probability of failure of the treats still rising - judging by the behavior of the birds, the hawk was in danger.The next day, a man in a mask came back, this time without a dead crow; bird still does not want to take food.These results show that the crows to avoid places or objects that are considered dangerous to themselves and their colleagues.In other words, they know what death is, and they know that it is necessary to be afraid of."We conclude that the death of the crows are (at least partially) as" learning opportunities ", if we talk about it in anthropomorphic terms. It is a signal of danger, and the danger to be avoided," - says Swift.This research - another example of how the Ravens have successfully adapted to life with a manSubsequently, they continue to fear the potentially deadly situation: six weeks later, more than a third of the 65 pairs of crows continued to behave the same way.This study, published in the journal Animal Behaviour ("Animal Behavior"), complementing a series of experiments aimed at a better understanding of how animals treat their dead relatives.Western scrub jay, which belongs to the same family of the crow family, is also seen in the "funeral" behavior at the sight of dead jays.However

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