what plays have you performed

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What theatre in London were the Shakespeare's plays first performed in? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Пользователь удален[гуру]
We cannot be totally accurate about the actual first performance dates of many Shakespeare's play because the documented evidence is simply not available but we can estimate the year in which they were performed. His later performances were put together at the Globe Theatre (or Shakespeare's Globe theatre, built in 1598)
Plays were required to be registered prior to publication. It was important that plays were regulated as playwrights used the stage as a forum to express their own views on religion and politics. Registration provided an opportunity to invoke a form of censorship and the means to suppress too much freedom of thought and criticism of the crown and public affairs.
Playwright - a dangerous occupation
Any playwrights found guilty of expressing seditious or heretical views or opinions which were in opposition to the crown or government could be tortured and sentenced to death for treason or even atheism. Such accusations were levelled at Christopher Marlowe and the actor Thomas Kyd. (Kyd was arrested on charges of writing a slanderous play and was tortured. During his interrogation he implicated both Christopher Marlowe and Sir Walter Raleigh in relation to accusations of Heresy and Atheism.) It was therefore not unusual for playwrights to use a pseudonym or an alias to conceal their true identity. William Shakespeare never authorised the publication of any of his plays during his lifetime, neither did he claim authorship. The majority of Shakespeare plays were first published in the First Folio, seven years after his death, in 1623. This has fuelled the Identity Problem and mysteries surrounding the works of William Shakespeare.
First Performances of Plays and the dates plays first printed
The following Play Chronology is the 'best guess' based on the information available. Some views may differ regarding these dates but the 'bottom line' is that if a fact was available it would be included within the chronology, the rest can only be considered as conjecture.
1592 March 3, Henry VI Part I is produced. First printed 1594
1592-93 Henry VI, Part II first performed. First print 1594
1592-93 Henry VI, Part III first performed. First printed 1623
1594 January 24 Titus Andronicus first performance. First print 1594
1594 December 28, Confirmed performance of The Comedy of Errors. First printed 1623
1593-94 Taming of the Shrew first performed. First print 1623
1594-95 Two Gentlemen of Verona first performance. First printed 1623
1594-95 Love's Labour's Lost first performed. First print 1598
1594-95 Romeo and Juliet first performance. First printed 1597
1595-96 A Midsummer Night's Dream first performed. First print 1600
1596-97 The Merchant of Venice first performed. First printed 1600
1597-98 Henry IV, Part I first performed. First print 1598
1597-98 Henry IV, Part II first performance. First printed 1600
1598-99 Much Ado About Nothing first performed. First print 1600
1598-99 Henry V first performed. First printed 1600
1599-00 As You Like It first performed. First print 1623
1600-01 Julius Caesar first performance. First printed 1623
1601 February 7 First Recorded production of Richard II. First printed 1597
1600-01 Richard III first Recorded performance. First print 1597
1600-01 Hamlet first performed. First printed 1603
1600-01 The Merry Wives of Windsor first performance. First print 1602
1602 February 2 First Recorded production of Twelfth Night. First printed 1623
1602-03 All's Well That Ends Well first performed. First print 1623
1604 February 7 First Recorded production of Troilus and Cressida. First printed 1609
1604 December 26 First performance of Measure for Measure. First print 1623
1604-05 Othello first performed. First printed 1622
1606 December 26 First recorded performance of King Lear. First print 1608
1605-06 Macbeth first performance. First printed 1623
1606-07 Antony and Cleopatra first performed. First print 1623
1607-08 Coriolanus first performe

Ответ от User8271905[гуру]
Перевод : ниипёт

Ответ от Swanky Moppet/Мать Людей[гуру]
все верно

Ответ от Людмила Горчакова[гуру]
Глобус) the Globe

Ответ от Ёемен Бушманов[новичек]
Первый публичный стационарный театр был сооружен в Лондоне (вернее за Лондоном, вне городской черты, так как в черте города устройство театра не разрешалось) в 1576 актерской семьей Бэрбеджей. Театр Бэрбеджей.

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