борщ перевод

Автор Ёветлана Ефремова задал вопрос в разделе Еда, Кулинария

пожалуйста помогите перевести на английский язык рецепт борща и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Даня Смирнов[гуру]
Borshch Ukrainian
On 3 litres of water:
Soup bones with meat (pork, beef or chicken) 0,5кг. ,
Буряк 2шт. (about(near) 200г. )
Carrots 2шт. (about(near) 200г. )
Potato 4 piece average
Onions(bow) napiform 1 piece.
Cabbage белокачанная 200г.
Salad sweet pepper 1 piece.
Garlic 1-2 зубчика
Tomato paste 2 ст. л.
Oil vegetative 2 ст. л.
Greens of a parsley, fennel.
At will - коренья a parsley, пастернака, a celery - 1ст. л.
Salt, sugar - to taste.
Way of preparation:
To wash out bones, to put in cold water, to finish before boiling and to remove(take off) foam, to cook a broth about one hour (up to readiness of meat).
To clean all vegetables.
Carrots and буряк to cut a thin strip to put in a broth. A potato to cut with cubes 1,5 - 2 see and to put in a saucepan in 15-20 minutes after буряка.
The onions(bow) to cut fine cubes to put in разогретую a frying pan with vegetable oil and to fry up to golden color, to add tomato paste and to warm up a pair of minutes.
Cabbage and sweet pepper to cut a thin strip.
To try a potato on readiness if it is ready - to add in a saucepan cabbage, pepper and tomato зажарку.
To mix, salt to taste. If vegetables were not so sweet without стесненья add a floor of a dining room of a spoon of sugar.
To squeeze out through чесночницу or to rub on a fine grater garlic, to add the cut greens, to stir, cover and remove(and take off) from fire.
Time of cooking after addition of cabbage of 3-5 minutes, differently she(it) becomes soft and taste will be not that.
If in the house there is an old bacon - a small slice растолочь with garlic and greens and to add to a borshch - taste will be brighter!
Further to select and heat up the necessary quantity(amount) of a borshch in separate кастрюльке to not boil!
To submit with sour cream, well go пампушки with garlick sauce

Ответ от Людмила[гуру]
Примерно так )
Borshch a Ukranian language Components:
On 3 litres of water: Soup bones with meat (pork, beef or chicken) 0,5кг. , the Beet 2шт. (nearby 200г. ) Carrots 2шт. (nearby 200г. ) Potato 4 pieces averages the Onions napiform 1 pieces Cabbage белокачанная 200г. Salad sweet pepper 1 pieces Garlic 1-2 зубчика the Tomato paste 2 ст. л. Oil vegetative 2 ст. л. Greens of a parsley, fennel. At will - коренья parsleys, пастернака, a celery - 1ст. л. Salt, sugar - to taste. A way of preparation: To wash out bones, to put in cold water, to finish to boiling and to remove foam, to cook a broth about an hour (up to readiness of meat). To clean all vegetables. Carrots and a beet to cut a thin strip, to put in a broth. A potato to cut with cubes 1,5 - 2 see and to put in a saucepan in 15-20 minutes after a beet. The onions to cut fine cubes, to put in разогретую a frying pan with vegetable oil and to fry up to golden color, to add a tomato paste and to warm up pair minutes. Cabbage and sweet pepper to cut a thin strip. To try a potato on readiness if it is ready - to add in a saucepan cabbage, pepper and tomato зажарку. To mix, salt to taste. If vegetables were not so sweet without стесненья add a floor of the table spoon of sugar. To squeeze out through чесночницу or to rub on a fine grater garlic, to add the cut greens, to stir, cover and remove from fire. Time of cooking after addition of cabbage of 3-5 minutes, differently it becomes soft and taste will be not that. If in the house there is an old bacon - a small slice растолочь with garlic and greens and to add to a borshch - taste will be brighter! In the further to select and heat up the necessary quantity of a borshch in separate кастрюльке, to not boil! To submit with sour cream, well go пампушки with garlick sauce Bon appetit!

Ответ от Алёна[гуру]
What you'll need to make a proper dish:
2 lb of the meaty pork bones
2.5 quarts of water
1 large beet, peeled and cut into thick julienne
0.5 cup of dried white beans
1 medium onion, peeled & diced
1 medium carrot, peeled and diced
1 - 2 ribs of celery, diced
1 parsley root, peeled and diced (optional)
2 potatoes, peeled and cut into thick julienne
0.5 of a small cabbage, thinly sliced
Bay leaf
Ground black pepper
Ground coriander
Hot red pepper
0.5-cup spicy tomato sauce or ketchup
1 Tbsp pork fat, chopped fine
3 cloves of garlic
In a 3 - 4 quarts pot put pork bones and water. Slowly bring water to a boil, remove scum and cook on a very low heat, covered, for an hour.
Put beans into another pot and pour water about 1" above the beans. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 - 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, cover the pot and let it sit for another hour.
Remove bones from a pot, cut off any available meat and put it aside. Feed the bones to the garbage can. Add the beet and the beans to the broth, bring it to a slow boil, and cook, covered, till beet start loosing its color - about an hour.
Heat couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil in a skillet. Add the onion, the carrot, the celery and, if using, parsley root. Sautй, stirring from time to time, till vegetables becomes slightly golden. Add vegetables to the soup and continue cooking for another 10 minutes. Now it is time to add potatoes, meat, salt, bay leaf, spices and cook everything for another 15 - 20 minutes, till potato is soft. Now it is time to add cabbage and cook it till desired softness is achieved - some people like the cabbage soft, other on a crunchy side. To finish the borshch we will add tomato sauce and slowly boil the soup for a couple of minutes. For the final touch - smash garlic and pork fat together into a smooth paste. Add this paste to the soup and turn the heat off. Let the soup sit, undisturbed, for half an hour. Serve with the dollop of sour cream and sprinkle of chopped dill and/or parsley.

Ответ от Лола[гуру]
Borshch a Ukranian language Components: On 3 litres of water: Soup bones with meat (pork, beef or chicken) 0,5кг. , the Beet 2шт. (nearby 200г. ) Carrots 2шт. (nearby 200г. ) Potato 4 pieces averages the Onions napiform 1 pieces Cabbage белокачанная 200г. Salad sweet pepper 1 pieces Garlic 1-2 зубчика the Tomato paste 2 ст. л. Oil vegetative 2 ст. л. Greens of a parsley, fennel. At will - коренья parsleys, пастернака, a celery - 1ст. л. Salt, sugar - to taste. A way of preparation: To wash out bones, to put in cold water, to finish to boiling and to remove foam, to cook a broth about an hour (up to readiness of meat). To clean all vegetables. Carrots and a beet to cut a thin strip, to put in a broth. A potato to cut with cubes 1,5 - 2 see and to put in a saucepan in 15-20 minutes after a beet. The onions to cut fine cubes, to put in разогретую a frying pan with vegetable oil and to fry up to golden color, to add a tomato paste and to warm up pair minutes. Cabbage and sweet pepper to cut a thin strip. To try a potato on readiness if it is ready - to add in a saucepan cabbage, pepper and tomato зажарку. To mix, salt to taste. If vegetables were not so sweet without стесненья add a floor of the table spoon of sugar. To squeeze out through чесночницу or to rub on a fine grater garlic, to add the cut greens, to stir, cover and remove from fire. Time of cooking after addition of cabbage of 3-5 minutes, differently it becomes soft and taste will be not that. If in the house there is an old bacon - a small slice растолочь with garlic and greens and to add to a borshch - taste will be brighter! In the further to select and heat up the necessary quantity of a borshch in separate кастрюльке, to not boil! To submit with sour cream, well go пампушки with garlick sauce Bon appetit!

Ответ от Кася[гуру]
все переводы - подстрочники, англичанин фиг чего поймет.. .
НАРОД!! Вы бы хоть прочитали, что размещаете!! ! пополам русиш и инглиш.. . Buriak - это что за зверь???

Ответ от Ёветик.[гуру]
Borshch a Ukranian
Components: On 3 litres of water: Soup bones with meat (pork, beef or chicken) 0,5¬ú., the Beet 2ÞÔ. (nearby 200ú.) Carrots 2ÞÔ. (nearby 200ú.) the Potato 4 pieces averages the Onions napiform 1 pieces Cabbage belokachannaja 200ú. Salad sweet pepper 1 pieces Garlic 1-2 zubchika the Tomato paste 2 st.l. Oil vegetative 2 st.l. Greens of a parsley, fennel. At will - korenja parsleys, pasternaka, a celery - 1ßÔ.½. Salt, sugar - to taste.
Way of preparation: To wash out bones, to put in cold water, to finish to boiling and to remove foam, to cook a broth about an hour (up to readiness of meat). To clean all vegetables. Carrots and a beet to cut a thin strip, to put in a broth. A potato to cut with cubes 1,5 - 2 see and to put in a saucepan in 15-20 minutes after a beet. The onions to cut fine cubes, to put in razogretuju a frying pan with vegetable oil and to fry up to golden color, to add a tomato paste and to warm up pair minutes. Cabbage and
Bon appetit!

Ответ от Ina nazab[мастер]
Люди, это же прикол!

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: пожалуйста помогите перевести на английский язык рецепт борща

Подскажите пожалуйста рецепт борща с пельменями???
Борщ с грибными ушками (пельменями)

Способ приготовления:подробнее...

Переводите пожалуйста) ) Forever borsch. не по переводчик, не по смыслу переводит
Борщ существует уже в течение очень долгого времени, и часто представляет русскую кухню на мировой

Как вы готовите борщ?
Даааааааааа, похоже, настоящего украинского борща здесь никто не сварил. Какие каперсы, какие

Как правильно готовить борщ?
1 кг говядины (мякоть или на косточке)
500 г картофеля
300 г свежей
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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Вам потребуются: свиные ребрышки - 500г; морковь - 1 шт. ; свекла - 1 шт. ;
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Очень нужен рецепт борща на английском языке
Required Products:
beef - 300 g
beet - 300 g
White cabbage - 400 g
potatoes -

Жо не манж па сис жур. Гибен зи мир битте цвей марк. Как переводится?)
Оригинал взят у ibigdan в Месье, же не манж па сис жур. Гебен мир зи битте этвас копек ауф дем штюк

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