he said

Автор Катерина Чердакова задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Перепишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени. Обратите внимание на зависимость времени придаточного дополнительн и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Konbanwa[гуру]
1. Nick said he wass going to the hotel to see his friends, who had just arrived in St. Petersburg from the United States of America. 2. He said they had not been there for a long time. 3. He said they had been friends at school. 4. He said he would take them to the theatre on Sunday. 5. They said they would write me a letter when they returned home. 6. Mike said he was sure Ann and Kate would be excellent guides. 7. He sayid they had made good progress in English. 8. Oleg said that in a day or two several English students would come to pay a visit to their school and he would probably have to act as interpreter. 9. Ann said she had just met Boris in the street. 10. She said Boris had told her a lot of interesting things about his travels in the South.

Ответ от Михаил Казанцев[новичек]
1. Nick said he wass going to the hotel to see his friends, who had just arrived in St. Petersburg from the United States of America. 2. He said they had not been there for a long time. 3. He said they had been friends at school. 4. He said he

Ответ от Ольга Михайлова[активный]
1. Nick said he wass going to the hotel to see his friends, who had just arrived in St. Petersburg from the United States of America. 2. He said they had not been there for a long time. 3. He said they had been friends at school. 4. He said he

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: Перепишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени. Обратите внимание на зависимость времени придаточного дополнительн
спросили в Mezudo
в косвенной речи must меняется? например i must go home - he said that he must (should?) go home
Возможны два варианта, либо остается Must либо Had to.
Should не
спросили в Shoutout
Подскажите, как перевести Shoot me down? Это из Nancy Sinatra "Bang bang"
Nancy Sinatra — Bang Bang (lyrics)

I was five and he was six
We rode on horses made

когда в англиском языке нужно ставить said, а когда told
Оба слова переводятся: "сказал". Но первое - когда сказал "вообще", а второе - при обращении к
спросили в Talley
Какие особенности употребления слов tell, say, said, told ?
Told - это прошедшее время от tell, а said от say. Наверное, имелось в виду, в чем разница между
спросили в Škoda Works
Помогите переделать предложения по английскому из прямой речи в косвенную
Доброе утро :з
1. She said that she won't go to the party.
2. Tom said that Ann has gone
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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1. She said: “I will finish my work by the end of this month”. - She said that she would finish her

Помогите с английским пожалуйста((
1) I did not know that you HAD already READ this book.
2) He did it better than we HAD

Help! Помогите с английским. Непрямая речь.
1. She said, that he spent my holidays in the Crimea last year.
2. Boris said, that he went to
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Помогите перевести, пожалуйстааааа!
это быстрый перевод предложений, а с датами, думаю, сами разберетесь - откройте учебник на этой
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