Автор Дмитрий Колесников задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи
Народ помогите, нужно 2 текста на английском языке приблизительно по 10000 символов!!! заранее спасибо) и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Елена Гужвенко[гуру]
GREAT BRITAIN The official name of the country is the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated on the British Isles off the northwest coast of Europe. The Britain Isles consist of 2 large islands: Great Britain and Ireland, and about 5000 small islands. The total area 242000 km2. The UK is separated from the continent by the English cannel and the Strait of Dover. The UK is washed by the North Sea in the East, and by the Atlantic Ocean in the west. The UK consists of 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast respectively. The population of the country is over 57 million people; about 80 per cent of them live in cities and towns. Many centuries ago the islands were inhabited by Celts. Their tribes were developing into kingdoms when Julius Caesar invaded Britain in 55 B.C. The surface of British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous, while the south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called the Lowlands. The north and the west of England are mountainous, but all the rest – east, centre and south-east – is a vast plain. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain in Britain (1343 m). There are a lot rivers, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one. The warm waters of Golf stream influence on the climate, and make it mild. Rainy, foggy weather is usual in the UK. The UK is a monarchy. The Queen is the official head of the state. In practice the country is ruled by an elected parliament. The British parliament has 2 chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The UK is a highly developed industrial country. One of the main industries of the country is shipbuilding.
Каково происхождение выражения "Уйти по-английски, т. е. не прощаясь"? Англичанине удивились, узнав о таком выражении.
уйти по-английски - это значит уйти не попрощавшись.
Выражение французского происхождения: filer
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Filer а l’anglaise – перевод : «Уйти по-английски»
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Почему говорят "уйти по-английски"?
partir a l'anglaise — уйти по-английски, так говорят французы.
Выражение "уйти
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откуда пошел стереотип уйти по английски - не прощаясь ?..
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Ну, если вы читаете Уэллса в оригинале, то у вас действительно большой запас слов. Видимо, и
помогите перевести с Английского на Русский, плиз!
Английский язык сегодня
Все время современный мир становится меньшим. Каждый день расстояния