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Translation into english

Автор Џгодк@ задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Translate into English и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Seibert[гуру]
1.He entered the room with a suitcase in his hand.
2. He left the office of director in a good mood.
3. My father with pipe in his mouth got up from his desk and went to the bookcase.
4. When my mother invited for dinner in the garden, everybody quickly left the house.
5. When the table was laid, my mother called guests.
6. He entered without knocking, because the door was open.
7. He was lying quietly on the couch with a book in his hands.
8. He walked fast with the lowered head/mood, without looking around.
9. Little Anya had stopped playing piano and stood at the window with her back to everyone.
10. Jane went with a short distance to others with the leather bag in her hand.
11. She continued to listen to his friends with wide-open eyes of surprise.
12. After lunch was a long silence: Anna thought about children, and children about her.
13. If the weather will change to the better, we will be able to go the countryside tomorrow.
14. She waited calmly for friends at the theater, having hidden her chin in a collar.

Ответ от Sygomi ©[гуру]
сакрат тебе в помощь или майловский переводчик!) но там неменог не правельно

Ответ от S s[активный]
1. He entered the room with a suitcase in his hand.
2. He left the office of director in a good mood.
3. My father with his pipe in his mouth rose from his desk and walked over to the bookcase.
4. When my mother invited to dinner in the garden, all quickly left the house.
5. When the table was laid, my mother called guests.
6. He entered without knocking, as the door was open.
7. He was lying quietly on the couch with a book in their hands.
8. He walked quickly, his head bowed, not looking around.
9. Little Anya stopped playing the piano and stood at the window, his back to everyone.
10. Jane was a short distance from all the leather bag in his hand.
11. She continued to listen to his friends with wide-open eyes of surprise.
12. After lunch was a long silence: Anna thought about children, and children about her.
13. If the weather improves, we will be able to go out of town tomorrow.
14. She calmly waited for friends outside the theater, burying his chin in his collar.
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