would used to difference

Used to и would правило

Автор AL--Onynshy!)) задал вопрос в разделе Образование

Какая разница между would to и used to? help/// и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Max[гуру]
would and used to are both used to talk about past habits.
When we were children we used to/would go skating every winter.
Used to can be used to talk about states and situations as well as actions. Would can only be used for repeated actions.
I used to have an old Rolls Royce (*I would....is mpossible in cases like this.)
Note that would and used to cannot be used to say how often something happened.
We went to Africa six times when I was a child. (Not: *We used to go....six times....or *We would go six times....)
Would используется без to!!!!
Would используется для выражения повторяющихся действий в прошлом, а used to для выражения регулярных действий.
We would shirk school in our childhood.
В детстве мы, бывало, прогуливали уроки.
I used to play tennis every Sunday.
Раньше я КАЖДОЕ воскресенье играл в теннис.
Ну и немного повторюсь
Used to is used to describe past habits or states. A time expression is not necessary.
I used to get up at six, but now I get up at eight.
I used to own a horse. (I owned a horse once.)
Would is used to describe a person`s typical activities in the past.
tIt can only be used to describe repeated actions, NOT states. It is mainly used in writing, and in personal reminiscences.
Every evening was the same. Jack would turn on the radio, light his pipe and fall asleep.

Ответ от Любанька[эксперт]
Used to - делал раньше. но больше не делаю.
I used to smoke but now I don't smoke.
I used to get up at 6, but now I get up at 10.

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