Ответ от NB[гуру] Al-aNi-Co = Alnico V.AlNiCo -- Aluminum Nickel Cobalt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alnico is a group of isotropic permanent magnet alloys, which introduced in 1936. The “Alnico” stands for Aluminum (Al) - Nickel (Ni) - Cobalt (Co) series of alloys. The Alnico range of magnet materials has had a profound effect upon loudspeaker magnet design, resulting in the production of highly efficient compact magnet assemblies having a minimum of external magnetic leakage field.The Alnico was a by-product of war, since this material was using in radar and special detector during war. With the development of Alnico, the general design of loudspeaker magnets for commercial radio and television receivers was radically changes from the ring type to the center pole fitted into a circular pot of mild steel. This change raised the efficiency of magnet maintaining up to 10,000 guess gap field strength, due mainly to the reduction of the surface area of the center pole magnet as compared with the high surface area of the ring type magnet, thus reducing leakage; further more the magnet material was brought very close to the working gap. Since the price level of nickel and cobalt increased so rapidly in 1970’s (especially cobalt*). Refer to cost constraint, many of the manufacture started to apply ferrite/ceramic magnet instead of Alnico. No question that Alnico magnet is much efficient, stable, but also with less external magnetic leakage field then ferrite magnet. The typical composition of Alnico as follows:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aluminum 10.0% Cobalt 12.5% Nickel 18.0% Copper 6.0% Iron 53.5% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alnico V" was the most popular loudspeaker magnet from 1950 – early 1970’s. FYI, "Alcomax III" made in UK with similar quality as "Alnico V" made in US.*(most of the world's Cobalt was behind the iron curtain or in countries in that Axis)Here is some more info from a magnet supplier.
Ответ от White Rabbit[гуру] Магнитный сплав алюминий - никель - кобальт
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