гамбургер перевод

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Ответ от Галочка Бутербродская[гуру]
Basic Hamburger
This Basic Hamburger is easy to make and tastes great.
If you have already visited my Burger Making Tips page, are experienced in burger making or
are a regular visitor to Hamburger Recipes.com please ignore the (links) below.
(A note on my measuring units)
Serves 4
For The Patties:
1lb/500g ground beef (how to grind your own meat)
1 half onion grated or finely chopped
4 pinches ground coriander
4 pinches paprika powder
a little pepper, fresh ground is better
a little salt
1 hand fresh bread crumbs
1 egg lightly beaten
1 quarter beef bouillon/stock cube dissolved in 2 to 3 tablespoons water
For the Rolls:
4 rolls
sliced tomato
thinly sliced onion
a few slices of gherkin
Mix all the patty ingredients thoroughly, leaving the salt for after the patties are cooked if you
prefer (how to season meat).
Make sure the mixture is cool. Divide mixture into 4 equal balls and mold into patties (how to
mold patties).
Cook on medium heat under the grill, on the barbecue or in a pan (how to regulate cooking
temperature) until the patty is cooked to your preferred degree of doneness or the internal
temp reaches 160F/70C (when is my patty cooked?).
Split the rolls and toast the cut surfaces lightly (under grill, on barbecue or in a pan) just
before the patties are done. Spread mayonnaise on the bottom halves, add a thin slice of
onion, some lettuce, a slice of tomato and a little sliced gherkin. Top it off with a little mayo
and ketchup, the patty and the top half of the roll.
Barbecue Sauce Hamburger
Barbecue Sauce Hamburger. The sauce is very easy to make and it tastes good.
If you have already visited my Burger Making Tips page, are experienced in burger making or
are a regular visitor to Hamburger Recipes.com please ignore the (links) below.
(A note on my measuring units)
Serves 4
For The Patties:
1lb/500g ground beef (how to grind your own meat)
1 half onion grated or finely chopped
4 pinches ground coriander
4 pinches paprika powder
a little pepper, fresh ground black is better
a little salt
1 hand fresh bread crumbs
1 egg lightly beaten
1 quarter beef bouillon/stock cube dissolved in 2 to 3 tablespoons water
For the Sauce
1/2 a cup ketchup
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon dijon or other mustard
1 tablespoon sugar
a few drops of Tabasco or other hot sauce(optional)
For the Rolls:
4 rolls
sliced tomato
thinly sliced onion
Firstly combine all the sauce ingredients, mix well and set aside.
Mix all the patty ingredients thoroughly, leaving the salt for after the patties are cooked if you
prefer (how to season meat).
Make sure the mixture is cool. Divide mixture into 4 equal balls and mold into patties (how to mold patties).
Cook on medium heat under the grill, on the barbecue or in a pan (how to regulate cooking
temperature) until the patty is cooked to your preferred degree of doneness or the internal
temp reaches 160F/70C (when is my patty cooked?). Baste the patties with a little of the
sauce about a minute or two before they are done.
Split the rolls and toast the cut surfaces lightly (under grill, on barbecue or in pan) just before
the patties are done. Spread mayonnaise on the bottom half, add a thin slice of onion, some
lettuce, sliced tomato and the patty. Top the patty with a little of the sauce and the other half
of the roll.
Better Beef Burger
Carpetbagger Burger
Chili Sauce Burger
German Burger
Greek Burger
Grilled Onion Cheeseburger
Mushroom Melt Burger
Sate Hamburger
Tropical Hamburger
Источник: Bon Appetit!

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: Подскажите пожалуйста рецепты гамбургеров на английском языке)))
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Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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