Автор ОпТиМмМиSтk@ -ПиАниStk@ 🙂 задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
Прошу! Помогите!! Где можно найти интервью со знаменитостью, к примеру, с Бритни Спирс, на английском языке? и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Vlad Nikitin[эксперт]
Ответ от Волжанка[гуру]
может, тут найдете: Новоcти Бритни Спирс. Последние новости о Бритни Спирс. Britney Spears's latest"Добро пожаловать PlanetHollywood.com!В звездный чат с Бритни Спирс. Сейчас она возглавляет все чартыBritney Spears Interview On Dateline - Why Us Fans Love HerContributed by B0rntoplay:When I heard about Diane Sawyer interviewing Britney Spears, I kinda of blew it off. I figured it would be like the Justin Timberlake interview with Barbara Walters, where it was about promoting his upcoming the album than to about getting into the nitty gritty. And although the intention of this interview was to promote ‘In the Zone,’ it was obvious that there was much more to it as well. This interview was about tough questions and tough answers, and by the end, Britney managed to remind me of why I loved her, and if possible, made me love her even more.The main thing I loved about this interview was her honesty. She was asked some pretty hard questions, and she answered them all honestly. The first one was when she was asked about her voice. No lie, no vague answer, but brutal honesty. In addition, she wasn’t afriad to point out her weaknesses, and she wasn’t afriad to compliment her competition. To me, this is what makes her stand above all other artists. She is down to earth, and could quite be, as said millions of times before, the girl next door. Christina may feel the need to put her down, but Britney proved she was above it. Even on the Jimmy Kimmel show after Dateline, Britney did not take a dig at Christina when the opportunity arose. When asked about why no one paid attention to the kiss between Madonna and Christina, she could have easily said that it was because Christina has always played second to her. Instead, she said the it was sad and unfair, and did not unecessarily put Christina down. Britney’s modesty has always amazed me, and even as she gets bigger, it seems not much has changed.The next moment that reminded me of why I love her was when she broke down. In moments like that, I feel like I relate to her the most. She is human, and like any 21-year-old, has her ups and downs. She doesn’t pretend to be perfect, or stronger than she really is, or anything else. Britney has never felt the need to portray a bad-ass attitude, and I love that about her. She is humble, reserved, and vunerable, and I respect her for not trying to hide it.Lastly, I loved about the way she handled the Justin topic. She could have really ripped him, and made him look like the pathetic loser we all know him to be. But she didn’t and decided again to take the high road. It’s clear to me that Justin needed her to succeed, but she doesn’t need him. She was so honest about it all, and rather than attack him, she praised him and talked about his good qualities, not his bad ones. Her ability to talk positvely about a guy who made her look so bad proves that she has a big heart, and that heart really shines through. She is an awesome, down-to-earth person, and this interview really proved it.Sometimes I lose perspective of how old Britney really is, and when I really think about it, the fact that she is only 2 years older than me amazes me. She has, more than any artist out right now, grown up under a spot light. We have seen her grow up in front of our eyes, and I am more proud than ever to be her fan. Diane Sawyer may have tried to drill her and get the dirt, but now that it has all be said and done, I can truly say that I have an all new love and respect for Britney.
может, тут найдете: Новоcти Бритни Спирс. Последние новости о Бритни Спирс. Britney Spears's latest"Добро пожаловать PlanetHollywood.com!В звездный чат с Бритни Спирс. Сейчас она возглавляет все чартыBritney Spears Interview On Dateline - Why Us Fans Love HerContributed by B0rntoplay:When I heard about Diane Sawyer interviewing Britney Spears, I kinda of blew it off. I figured it would be like the Justin Timberlake interview with Barbara Walters, where it was about promoting his upcoming the album than to about getting into the nitty gritty. And although the intention of this interview was to promote ‘In the Zone,’ it was obvious that there was much more to it as well. This interview was about tough questions and tough answers, and by the end, Britney managed to remind me of why I loved her, and if possible, made me love her even more.The main thing I loved about this interview was her honesty. She was asked some pretty hard questions, and she answered them all honestly. The first one was when she was asked about her voice. No lie, no vague answer, but brutal honesty. In addition, she wasn’t afriad to point out her weaknesses, and she wasn’t afriad to compliment her competition. To me, this is what makes her stand above all other artists. She is down to earth, and could quite be, as said millions of times before, the girl next door. Christina may feel the need to put her down, but Britney proved she was above it. Even on the Jimmy Kimmel show after Dateline, Britney did not take a dig at Christina when the opportunity arose. When asked about why no one paid attention to the kiss between Madonna and Christina, she could have easily said that it was because Christina has always played second to her. Instead, she said the it was sad and unfair, and did not unecessarily put Christina down. Britney’s modesty has always amazed me, and even as she gets bigger, it seems not much has changed.The next moment that reminded me of why I love her was when she broke down. In moments like that, I feel like I relate to her the most. She is human, and like any 21-year-old, has her ups and downs. She doesn’t pretend to be perfect, or stronger than she really is, or anything else. Britney has never felt the need to portray a bad-ass attitude, and I love that about her. She is humble, reserved, and vunerable, and I respect her for not trying to hide it.Lastly, I loved about the way she handled the Justin topic. She could have really ripped him, and made him look like the pathetic loser we all know him to be. But she didn’t and decided again to take the high road. It’s clear to me that Justin needed her to succeed, but she doesn’t need him. She was so honest about it all, and rather than attack him, she praised him and talked about his good qualities, not his bad ones. Her ability to talk positvely about a guy who made her look so bad proves that she has a big heart, and that heart really shines through. She is an awesome, down-to-earth person, and this interview really proved it.Sometimes I lose perspective of how old Britney really is, and when I really think about it, the fact that she is only 2 years older than me amazes me. She has, more than any artist out right now, grown up under a spot light. We have seen her grow up in front of our eyes, and I am more proud than ever to be her fan. Diane Sawyer may have tried to drill her and get the dirt, but now that it has all be said and done, I can truly say that I have an all new love and respect for Britney.
Ответ от Џ[новичек]
на сайте знаменитости!
на сайте знаменитости!
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: Прошу! Помогите!! Где можно найти интервью со знаменитостью, к примеру, с Бритни Спирс, на английском языке?
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