Particularly перевод
Автор Nefra Nerellin задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
В чем разница употребления particularly и specially? и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Simas Pocius[гуру]
Particularly [= especially]: ОсобенноThe restaurant is particularly popular with young people.We are hoping to expand our business, particularly in Europe.- not particularlya) not very: не очень (not very much)I'm not particularly impressed with their performance. 'Do you want to come to the party?' 'Not particularly.'• The cake was especially good. • This part is especially interesting.• Everyone loved it, especially the children. • You should call first, especially if you're going to be late."Particilarly" (Especially) never comes at the start of a sentence - никогда не применяется в начале предложения• He loves fruit. He especially likes kiwis (NOT Especially he likes ...).Use "Specially" to say that something is done or made for a particular purpose - Специально• I got this specially for you. • specially designed equipment
It depends on the preposition after!
напишите предложение в целом
я не знаю.. .но ты не скажешьparticulary designed for military organisation...так же как и не скажешьit wasn't specially good....
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Manchester is one of the English most important cities. It is located in the northern part of
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переведено гуглом:
15. My dad older than my mom.
16. Life for the city more healthy
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Напишите пожалуйста 2-3 факта о Лондоне на английском языке с переводом, заранее спасибо. :з
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Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
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In the 70s of the XX century they began to place the exhibit in this building, too. It had been
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